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UN Experts Demand Recognition of Gender Apartheid' as a Crime : UNHCHR / VOA

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A UN panel urges the international community to treat "gender apartheid" as a crime against humanity. They highlight the plight of women under regimes like the Taliban, who enforce systematic discrimination and oppression against them.

UN experts argue "gender apartheid" is a lived reality for many, not just a theoretical concept.
Taliban rule in Afghanistan is cited as a stark example, with restrictions on women's education, work, travel, and recreation.
This systematic oppression, aimed at erasing women's rights, resembles core principles of apartheid.
They urge the UN to recognize this as a crime against humanity under Article 2.
This call echoes similar appeals from human rights groups and activists urging action against Taliban policies.

Additional information:

"Gender apartheid" emphasizes that discrimination is built into the system of governance itself, unlike individual cases of violation.
Taliban defend their policies as rooted in religious and traditional values, despite lack of international recognition and sanctions.
