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Comments We Received from Readers - 23 to 30 April 2022


I wish we kept a diary whenever we visited new places. Your travelogues always give us new perspectives!
“The untold story of UNICEF”, told by Kul Gautam, is one of the best short film about what UNICEF did and continue to do to save the lives of children and improve the quality of lives of children in a nutshell, or what Jim Grant referred to it “Survival and Development or Child Survival Revolution”. This beautiful story has to be told by every media outlet all over the world in languages of the countries. Thank you Kul for narrating the story so beautifully. I very much related to your own story in Kathmandu and as a child waiting in line for vaccination or for that glass of milk in Kabul. Congratulations and best wishes! Gulbadan
18 hours ago
What a pity the Management Excellence Exercise was not informed along these lines - which might have improved the outcome.
Dear Baquer, Thank you for sending this. It makes me ashamed as a Briton that my country should be in the 2% group. Even more as a an economist committed to international causes and actions, it makes me outraged that Britain should be wasting resources on the military when there are so many other national needs in the world -in Britain itself, in so many in other countries, especially in poorer countries as well as so many UN and other international causes and actions deserving support and which could make a positive contribution to mankind. Please keep updating me on such matters -painful as they are to read. But I should be informed so I can bring these points into my talks and actions. Richard
Sree Gururaja commented on "Sardonic Senior Wisdom? : Mary Racelis"
Apr 26, 2022
Mary, Ha!ha! I wish to present a contrary view: last week, my daughter-in-law sent me information about a new book written by Becca Levy, a Professor at Yale, titled "Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live" which uses scientific research to explore the impact of negative age beliefs on memory, hearing loss and cardiovascular issues and dementia. Levy argues that positive beliefs about growing old can add upto seven years or more to one's age span. She found a powerful mind-body connection and concludes" when it comes to how we age, society is often the cause and biology the result." The book apparently offers hope for those discouraged by the effects of aging and outlines what individuals and society can do counter misconceptions about growing old. I am yet to get the book but wish to add that you exemplify what Levy concludes.Sree
Thank you, Horst, The producer of the film, Ben Proudfoot of Breakwaters studio in Los Angeles did a good job of putting together this documentary. As you may know, he just won this year's Academy Award for the best short documentary (not this one, but for the "Queen of Basketball" featuring the American basketball legend Lucy Harris). He is now planning to do a documentary film on our beloved Jim Grant, entitled "The Mad American". When I sat down for a brief interview with Ben, he got quite carried away, and actually extended the interview for 6 hours! I had no idea how he was going to use it. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see how he extracted the excerpts from the interview, turning me into a narrator of the high points of UNICEF@75. With warm regards,
Dear all, Thanks for the msny messages. This was what I considered a special. We all have our specials. The greatest credit goes to Jim Grant. He convinced everyone, including me, that it was possible. He was right. For 6 consecutive years, 3 times a year for two days each time, each event negociated separately, the war stopped and at the end El Salvador had one of the very best Immunization coverages. I am VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH UNICEF NY for its attitude towards my proposal to fund a very low cost documentary and to neglect to a large extent, its own history… especially with COVID around. My warmest best wishes to all of you who supported the idea. Agop Kayayan
Dear Kul and Agop, Your video is wonderful and you both are cheerful and positive, instead of gloomy and bureaucratic. It’s well done and contains footage I had never seen. Hopefully it will resonate with viewers and result in more support. Congratulations and best wishes for your next projects… All the best, Horst.
thanks Kul, had a hearty laugh!Sree
Many thanks for your comments, Ken. Yes, Bangladesh has been a pioneer in sustainable WASH approaches and several groundbreaking development programs. There were also girls' schools in Herat run by Brac during my time. We supported them. (Kenya and some ESAR countries adopted Brac's non-formal school philosophy in the mid 1990s). Bread making is a traditional occupation- during the previous regime of the Taliban women needed courage even to bake naan commercially. Producing Latrines/toilets was like breaking all boundaries- marching into the men's world!! It needed unbridled bravery. Though Taliban's weren't directly in power but they remained an integral part of the society. At present (after return of the Taliban), women's mobility is restricted, girls' education is in jeopardy. It's heartbreaking.
Martin Beyer was unique and a wonderful colleague. We had become friends, maybe because he also spoke my language.
Absolutely beautiful. Thanks Steve for inviting us for the walk
Great initiative.constructive language but forceful recommendations. I wish I had known about it would have signed it. Fortunate, it is an impressive list as is. Bilge



  1. I wish a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Eid for all those who celebrate it! Gratitude and Respect to all!


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