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Books - “Kofi Annan and Global Leadership at the United Nations” by Abioudun Williams

Article shared by Tom McDermott

This book was praised by the author of the article linked below.  Note, however, that it seems to be an 'academic' book and as such is priced at $100 per copy.  Poor students forced to buy it!  But as the subject is Kofi Annan who so many of us loved and admired, I pass on the announcement for anyone interested.  My suggestion, however, is to wait until it is available in your community library. 


Click here for the article in The Hill -The United Nat ions is the hot seat.


"Annan believed that to live in peaceful times requires prevention of conflict, not just reaction to it — especially the prevention of genocide and mass atrocities. He understood that awareness of why conflicts happen needed to infuse the United Nations with strategies to get ahead of them — no easy feat, with a highly bureaucratic body that often has gaps between its words and deeds.

On Kofi Annan’s watch, the United Nations was on the hook to respond to war. "

"Leadership requires self-reflection. Annan’s leadership was best exemplified in his willingness to take responsibility for failures, like the U.N.’s role in the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia and the Rwandan genocide. He never ran away from accountability and transparency — traits that would serve today’s leaders well. "
