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Missing You - Canada's National Funeral of Brian Mulrouney ,1939-2024, RIP by Fouad Kronfol

I would like to share with our readers my impressions of the TV coverage of the late Prime Minister's official national funeral ceremony.

It was GRANDIOSE ! As great a production as any Hollywood epic ! Lasting four and a half hours against the backdrop of a raging snow storm, the country paid a final farewell to its 18th Prime Minister, the one who called himself " the little guy from Baie Comeau". Born in this small town way in the north of Quebec, from an Irish immigrant family, Brian Mulrouney's political career was one of the most illustrious in Canada's history. His heritage is one of grand visions of inclusion for his country, the cementing of Francophone Quebec with the mostly Anglophone rest of the country, and on the international scene his role in the North America Trade Treaty, the fight and success in the demise of apartheid in South Africa and the liberation of Nelson Mandela, his role in environmental issues (the Rio Conference in 1992), the acid rain accord with the US.

For us in XUNICEF his capital contribution to making the 1990 Summit for Children the success it was .He was the "Go-To Guy" for JIm Grant whenever there were difficult issues in the preparations for the Summit; as one of the main Sherpahs he was instrumental, among othermatters,in ensuring the participation of President Bush. He continued to loom large in all affairs connected with Canada at the UN as well as internationally where he built strong relations with most major world leaders. As many have said, he succeeded to make Canada play a role much bigger than its stature globally.

The ceremenony itself was a wonderful combination of officialdom and folklore, religiion and music, hubris and fun. The casket was transported by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in their red uniforms and wide brim hats from St.Patrick Cathedral where it was lying in state, to the Basilica of Notre Dame, that magnificent church in old Montreal. The speeches started with his daughter Caroline who is herself a politician in Ontario, and included the current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (who is of the same cohort as the three Mulrouney sons),an ex-Prime Minister of Quebec ,Jean Charest, an important captain of industry Pierre Peladeau, readings by his sons,( naturally) a funny talk by Wayne Gretsky, the greatest Canadian hockey player, and ended with a tearful Edith Piaf song by his grand daughter as well as a finale of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" in duet with our best operatic tenor into which was incorporated the recording of Brian Mulrouney's voice in the singing, a very moving moment of the ceremony to which the 1500 official guests gave a standing ovation .

The whole ceremony was simulcast in the town of Baie Comeau where his friends and fellow villagers were in attendence.What was also of great consequence was that all speakers made their statements in both English and French, the two official languages of Canada and over which there is so much controversy especially in Quebec. The pomp and circumstance of the event was worthy of the British royalty's manifestations, but with a distinctly Canadian bonhommie, and every effort to showcase the exceptional contribution of Mulrouney to the nation as well as touting his humble origins and humane character. Much was said about his loving wife Mila and his doting family and the role they played in his life and career. The church bells rang 84 times for his age, and the canons fired eighteen salvos for an ex-Prime Minister.

Truly, one of the best ceremonies we have seen in many a year, and one that many will remember for a long time.



  1. Fouad I watched about 2/3rds of the ceremony. It was done in typical Canadian style “simple and direct” in terms of grandiosity, eulogies, spirituality and respect. I recall whilst serving in India…JPG boldly challenging the Government of India to commit itself to Universal Immunization and promising to provide $25 million. He convinced Mulroney that it will be moneys well spent…and that was the beginning of the UCI in India. Perhaps Rolf Carrier might provide more details on this.

  2. First, apologies for the should be "Mulroney" all throughout the text.
    I was disappointed that no one mentioned his immense contribution to the World Summit for Children. even Ambassador Fortier, who was interviewed , failed to note this fact.

  3. Hi Fouad congrats for the rapid and detailed account of the State funeral of the late Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. A vivid description of the ceremony that gives the reader the essentialinformation of what has happenned.
    Like you I watched on TV "ce dernier adieu". it was as you said grandiose but also a touching and moving ceremony that celebrated his life not only as a great political leader but alsi as a father, a grandfather and a companion of his wife Mila. Listening to the eulogies of the different speakers including his daughter Caroline, all recalling his life I can say that one thread that runs through all the speeches : Brian Mulroney was one of Canada greatest political leaders and a caring and beloved father, grandfather and companion.
    Having listened to the speakers at the ceremony, the tributes coming from Parliaments, the leadership of various political parties and the grief expressed by the people when learning of the passing of Brian Mulroney is it too much an encomium to say that Canada has lost another political giant and a great leader.
    By the way very interesting your remark: all speakers spoke in both national languages English and French. This perhaps was not to the delight of some Quebec political leaders.
    Unfortunately Fouad only a small group of people in Canada knew of the key role played by Canada both the PM in getting the participation of leaders of many countries in the World Summit and also in getting the approval of the Political Declaration of the Summit at the Preparatory Committee that was chaired by Ammbassador Fortier and also at the Summit itself.


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