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Comments We Received from Readers 16 to 30 March 2024

Thank you for sharing. Can you send the link for the article? Dina
Mar 27, 2024
A lot has changed in Albania over the years, but the food is excellent and a constant. One of my favorites is Pace – a soup made from boiled sheep or beef head that is usually eaten for breakfast. I enjoyed it, although the local restaurant, to attract foreign customers, advertised it as a “liquid headache”.
Thank you Paula for the very nice update on your original article. Sadly, as you say, the situation has only gotten worse. We are all perplexed on how this affects the population, especially the younger ones. My Ditty ton this;
Some people think it is a lot of fun,
To own or to use a loaded gun.
Now I dont want to preach as would a nun,
But also cannot stand those who act as a Hun.
The narrative that is always spun,
By the NRA, to name just one,
Is something that we should shun.
There is no reason under the sun
Why this is not generally done,
And why politicos choose to run
Away from the issue, as if it were a pun.

The above was from me... not anonymous!
In Response to a comment by Unknown
Our youngest son (Liam, age 21) is revisiting Kathmandu and had a fantastic time in the Holi "mosh pit" at Patan Durbar Square on Sunday.
I'd love to see the photo with the rabbit win a prize! enter it into a competition pls Luis :-)
so good for the soul. Thank you
Thank you for this selection. It goes to the heart.
While I sympathize with him, methinks, he did not review the rules around UN staff taking political positions, it holds for all, and it is there for a reason. So already a public hunger strike is, shall we say, sailing very close to the wind...the more public stuff is, If I read the circumstances right, out of bounds. Of course, UN security in NY is going to be muscular, after all, it is where the police function was militarized after Afghanistan and Iraq. The latest outbreak in the M.E shows the weakness of the UN because we cannot even ensure that our agencies, or some of them, are not penetrated by those who do not share our universal values. However, warts and all, we need a UN as we stumble into a world of accelerating climate change, geo political cracks, growing intra country and inter-country disparity of wealth and well being...
Dear Baquer,
Thanks so much for these important and beautiful thoughts. As a committed conscientious objector to the military, I truly treasure them. Please anyone and everyone, send me more. Richard Jolly
Gorgeous photos of spectacular animals, one and all.
Hi Fouad congrats for the rapid and detailed account of the State funeral of the late Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. A vivid description of the ceremony that gives the reader the essentialinformation of what has happenned.
Like you I watched on TV "ce dernier adieu". it was as you said grandiose but also a touching and moving ceremony that celebrated his life not only as a great political leader but alsi as a father, a grandfather and a companion of his wife Mila. Listening to the eulogies of the different speakers including his daughter Caroline, all recalling his life I can say that one thread that runs through all the speeches : Brian Mulroney was one of Canada greatest political leaders and a caring and beloved father, grandfather and companion.
Having listened to the speakers at the ceremony, the tributes coming from Parliaments, the leadership of various political parties and the grief expressed by the people when learning of the passing of Brian Mulroney is it too much an encomium to say that Canada has lost another political giant and a great leader.
By the way very interesting your remark: all speakers spoke in both national languages English and French. This perhaps was not to the delight of some Quebec political leaders.
Unfortunately Fouad only a small group of people in Canada knew of the key role played by Canada both the PM in getting the participation of leaders of many countries in the World Summit and also in getting the approval of the Political Declaration of the Summit at the Preparatory Committee that was chaired by Ammbassador Fortier and also at the Summit itself.
Dear Ken at al:

Your use of fuel-efficient cars is admirable to say the least.
As I have said before, you are a better man than I am Gunga Din!!!

We now drive a gas-guzzling sedan - an old Mercedes Benz with a 3.5 liter gas engine.
Of course there is a story behind this, as follows: We had 2.5 liter VW Jetta which our daughter Sophia liked and nationalized.
As a replacement, she got us the big Benz because it was affordable, in good shape and with low mileage.
She reckons we can better survive a crash in the Benz than in a fuel-efficient tuk tuk.

Back to the EPA and rectification, of course one rarely predict all the consequences; therefore, course corrections should be allowed.
In fact the evaluations and means to carry out such corrections should be built into the program from the very start.
The same applies to PPP (Public, Private, Partnerships) where both parties cannot predict how it will turn out.

In UNICEF India there was a memorable mantra: Advocate - Demonstrate - Replicate.
I always want to add two more points:
First, Do the research and get reliable data to ensure that you are advocating the the right actions; and,
Last, Evaluate and make corrections/improvements as practice indicates the need for changes.

In Response to a comment by Ken Gibbs
So, I am wondering, what will the EPA/USA do to rectify this devastating anomaly ?

Interestingly, we have been affected by a similar - but different - set of rules. Ten years ago, I was running a diesel 1.4 litre (VW Polo sedan) which had carbon emissions rated at less than a specific amount, which meant that we didn't have to pay road tax. The car would consume 1 gallon of fuel for every 50 miles travelled.

When we replaced that vehicle, we decided to go for a 1.0 litre petrol version of the VW Polo, assuming that a smaller, more efficient engine would benefit the planet more. It appears not to be the case. Typically, this new, improved version of the Polo only runs 35 to 40 miles per gallon of fuel consumed, and the calculated carbon emissions are greater than for the diesel version. True, the gases generated by the diesel Polo are different from those generated by the petrol version, BUT. . . . .this is a set of unintended consequences, isn't it ?

One could be forgiven for wondering who makes policy in such matters, and how they are advised.
Also Utterly Inhuman, Unfathomable, Unforgivable ,and UNPUNISHED !
The article before shows how children are surviving more than ever, but here we are told that the majority around the world seem to be we have a conundrum here; kids live more than before BUT they are NOT HAPPY ! Should the UN have a new Agency to make children happy, or should UNICEF set up a new DIvision for Furthering Child Happiness???
First, apologies for the should be "Mulroney" all throughout the text.
I was disappointed that no one mentioned his immense contribution to the World Summit for Children. even Ambassador Fortier, who was interviewed , failed to note this fact.
Gratitude and respect! I know it isn't easy maintaining this platform; I really appreciate your generosity and solidarity!
Son excelentes tus fotos, amigo!
What beautiful Norooz table and thanks for sharing Niloufar jan. Happy Norooz to all who celebrate and Spring to all. Marjan
Fouad I watched about 2/3rds of the ceremony. It was done in typical Canadian style “simple and direct” in terms of grandiosity, eulogies, spirituality and respect. I recall whilst serving in India…JPG boldly challenging the Government of India to commit itself to Universal Immunization and promising to provide $25 million. He convinced Mulroney that it will be moneys well spent…and that was the beginning of the UCI in India. Perhaps Rolf Carrier might provide more details on this.
Mar 23, 2024
Mar 23, 2024
Helps make the day brighter and sunnier. Thank you.
Agatha Pratt commented on "Eagles, and more, by Luis Oliveros"
Mar 23, 2024
These photos are truly stunning! Thank you, Luis.
Thank you dear Sree
Spectacular photos!! Well done Luis!
Loved it! There is also an Indian (Hindi) song with the same tune
Every story seems worse than the previous one may the truth prevail and peace be allowed to intervene
Delightful! Brough a smile on a drizzly cold afternoon!
Thank you Gianni for your inspirational story every day is an opportunity for an act of kindness no matter how small!
So much for sustainable development.

This is what the UNICEF office in The Gambia has to say in its 2023 annual report about FGM in The Gambia:

(Quote) In the area of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), prevalence remains high with 50.6% of girls aged between 0-14 years and 27.3% of girls aged 0-4 years have undergone FGM, with urban and rural disparities.

The FGM Strategy developed in 2018 was reviewed and brought into perspective considering previous formative studies that highlighted the determinants of FGM and child marriage in The Gambia.

To foster strengthening of the protection of children and adolescents in the country, throughout 2023, UNICEF strengthened its collaboration with the Government through the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Welfare, the National Youth Council, The Ministry of Justice, The Birth and Death Registration Unit under the Ministry of Health, the Labour Unit under the Ministry of trade, Regional Integration and Employment to enhance policy reform and the profile of child rights as well as support protection case management. Additionally, UNICEF strengthened its partnership with civil society and organizations, including galvanizing adolescent-led community engagement to prevent harmful practices. (Unquote)

According to the UNICEF Transparency Portal, no budget line or indicator related to FGM was used by the office, in 2023.
Many thanks, no worries. I just panicked for a moment after dealing with Gambia last night that another country was moving in the same direction!
In Response to a comment by John James
Thanks John for the correction. We apologize for the error and are grateful for letting us know so quickly. We have posted a correction.
In Response to a comment by John James
Hi there,

Keep up the great work. Some typos in this article though as it's about The Gambia not Ghana, though perhaps the story comes from a Ghanaian media outlet.
Mar 20, 2024
The past three sessions in this series have been available as recordings, so it seems safe to assume that this one will also be available later. See
In Response to a comment by Unknown
Genevieve Boutin commented on "Gaza - SG on the Imminent Threat of Famine"
Mar 20, 2024
Unthinkable - Unacceptable - Unjustifiable
After the overthrow of the notorious dictator Yahya Jammeh, we were hopeful that better days would come for the Gambian people, especially girls and women. But it appears that conservative men continue to rule the roost.

Repealing the landmark ban on female genital mutilation is a deplorable backward movement that violates the Gambia's commitment to many international human rights treaty obligations, including CRC and CEDAW as mentioned in the UN Country Team's statement.

For a brief period after Jammeh's misrule, we saw some positive and promising changes, including the work of The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), and Gambia's daring case against the genocide of Rohingyas in Myanmar at the International Court of Justice. Alas, it appears Gambia may be retrogressing again. Hope the UN and the international community will continue to press Gambia to move in a better direction.
Hard to believe this is happening.. in the late nineties, UNICEF and others had worked closely with NGOs in Gambia advocating the ban on FGM/C despite the opposition from some political leaders. Through mobilization of women leaders at the community level and a public campaign , FGM/C was banned which influenced governments in neighbouring countries to ban the practice. It will be a tragedy if the ban is reversed by the Committee of MPs.
Thank you Gianni for sharing this - it brought cheer and a bit of happpiness . Yes, it is never too late to be happy and practice the seven tips of advice.Sree
Niloufar and colleagues , Happy Navroz.. The Parsis In india are celebrating Navroz today alongwith Iran and the rest of the Iranian diaspora in other countries.
Mar 19, 2024
Does anyone know if there will be access to a recorded version afterwards? Can’t make the session but v interested in the presentation. Thank you !
Mar 18, 2024
Hi Elaine - nice share.
In Response to a comment by Elaine Furniss
Mar 18, 2024
Thanks Maie!
In Response to a comment by Maie Ayoub von Kohl
Failure not only that specific area but also humanitarian cause and mediation in armed conflicts between nations and among diverse citizens. Instead just taking the role of story telling and drama writing but taking the lead of the world actor in intervention in prevailing concerns and conflicts otherwise the image of organization will be tarnished sooner which established since 1945 being gone through the formidable challenges of cold world war. We had built up in many decades to acquire the name of virtue but it might be diminished n few days.
Mar 16, 2024
Wonderful Dina! Here’s an Australian one!
Brilliant! What a feast for the eyes. Merrrrci pour le partage.
