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Comments Received on the March Quarterly

Editor's Note:  The following comments are in the order we received them.  We very much appreciate comments by our readers.   We are repeating here only comments directly related to the Quarterly and dropped any personal comments on how the writer is spending these days of lockdown. 

Juan Aguilar

Dear colleagues/friends

Thank lots for this wonderful and timely First Quarter 2020 issue, which includes our short pics narrative “Discovering the Silk Road” as well as the other interesting XUNICEF’S travels and travelers.

Please take note that the credit given for the pic “A corona form around the sun” March 10, 2020, is incorrect since it’s not mine.

Thank you again and I’m ready for the next Travels and Travelers issue.

Love from Guatemala

Ines & Juan Aguilar

Shahida Azfar

Dear Editors

First a big thanks to you all for keeping us so well informed and connected through the regular issues of “XUNICEFNews and Views” which is deeply appreciated:

The March Quarterly has come as breath of fresh air in these difficult times of “ lockdowns” and “ self isolation “ Not being able to move out of the house, I have so much enjoyed my armchair travel through the different travels and experiences of colleagues. I have added new places in my bucket list at least to read more about and hopefully to visit one day, visas and Coronas not with standing.

I have enjoyed seeing the photos and paintings and reading about the places and adventures of everyone look forward to more in your forthcoming issues!
Warmest regards and a virtual hug


Maie Ayoub

Hear, hear dear Shahida.  Excellent newsletter reflecting the hard work that went into it.

Thank you to the editors and the contributors.

Best to all


Rohini de Silva

Excellent newsletter. Took us virtually to places we may not have visited. A National Geographic edition!

Thank u all so much. Took my mind away from corona. Keep safe all


Salima Haoloui

Thank you dear colleagues for the hard work entertaining us. Nice places to schedule when all this trouble will be over.

Meanwhile what is happening to the Toronto meeting. Given the social distancing taking place we cannot apply for a Canadian visa and without visa we are not able to secure the accommodation

Stay safe, colleagues and friends


Robert Cohen

Ditto to all the kudos and gratitude for our wonderful volunteer editors!

This is the time to stand with others around the world facing the pandemic in far worse conditions. This is what UNICEF stands for.

Be well and safe, dear ones. Take strict precautions. Let's help one another. Continue to raise hell and demand ethical and efficient leadership that prioritizes people over profits.

Have as good a day as possible. Laugh when you can.

Love, Robert

Jim Mohan

Dear Editors and all UNICEF friends, 

Sincerest thanks for all the sharing of thoughts feelings, insights and helpful humor. In many ways, we are all gifted.

Jim Mohan in Cambridge/Harvard

Kunio Waki
Dear Editors,
Congratulations! Excellent professional work done. The quality of photos used are very impressive. Many thanks for your efforts.

I am now at home writing my third Japanese book. I planned two trips this spring which I was forced to cancel. Just hoping I shall be able to go to British Columbia Canada end-August and South Island of New Zealand end-Oct for fly fishing.

Let us enjoy reading travel stories now at home and try to survive this difficult time together.


Franziska von Vietinghoff
Dear Editors,

Receive all my gratitude for the huge job done in producing this wonderful Travel issue of News&Views. It is of particular importance, yes importance, now that due to covid virus many of us are locked down in our homes, or voluntarily stay at home, for aging xunicefers belong to the risk-group.

Reading this text-photo- issue we can mind-travel to places we dream of, and we can return-travel to places we already know, thereby seeing/smelling/experiencing these places with the eyes and faculties of others who often are well-known to us. This adds to the enjoyment.

One interesting quirk thanks to the Latin alphabet is that in its end we find Ugalde and von Vietinghoff presented one after the other. Miguel Ugalde ends his travel essay with a stay in Bethlehem, which turns out to be a sort of introduction to ... Franziska von Vietinghoff's story which is all about Bethlehem. No editor could have juxtaposed the two more beautifully and intriguing.

Thank you again all for these superb stories - texts and photos.

Let me add that Bethlehem, is in lockdown. People's livelihood there depend on the incomes from pilgrims' visits to the Holy Sites. The lockdown is an even harder blow now that Easter, is coming up.  Easter usually as well visited as Christmas, both Western and Eastern.

This said, take good care of each other, not only in these sad and painful days, but always. Via the links that bind us together I send you memories of gratitude.

