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People Power: Myra Rudin

From the photo editor: Myra Rudin is a regular contributor to News & Views and her travel photo essays successfully  featured in past issues of our Blog.  This time she shares her frames under a different theme as she moves from travel to documentary photography capturing people demonstrating and showing their dissent on various subjects. She does this with great panache as she reiterates the power of photography to capture the moment and immortalise it. 

We have all been watching and reading about the grim events occurring throughout the world and have shared our feelings publicly and privately-feelings of anguish, despair and sorrow.

However, during years of travel, and at home, I’ve witnessed people around the world attempting to make a difference through protest  – on women’s rights, animal rights, as well as politics and other issues affecting peoples’ daily lives. Although their voices do not always lead to change, demonstrating against wrongs and misdeeds has given people the power to show their disagreement with those in charge. 

While not “beautiful photography”, these photos represent a different vision – that people around the world strive, and will fight for, better conditions in life, not only for themselves but for others.








  1. You did it again, Myra. Great posting and quite apropos of events these days. It is clear that all over the world citizens have lost confidence in their governments and are increasingly voicing their views through "people power" since traditional suffrage doesn't seem to work in most countries. However the gulf between the people and the politicos seems to grow bigger and more acute, so that we are witnessing increased authoritarian reactions to counter the people. Where all this will lead, we cannot tell, but it was nice to see the variety of issues that you covered in the article.


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