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Changes in how we cover the news : Tom McDermott

1. Daily news coverage:  From the beginning of January the editors have stopped posting daily news articles.  In past years we posted such stories after reviewing the news summaries on Google News of stories on topics such as UNICEF, the UN, children in crisis, and so on. 

Why did we stop? Posting each day was a strain on our very meager team of editors.  Moreover, we know that our readers themselves follow news topics like these and our posting may simply duplicate what our readers have already read elsewhere.

But the news does not stop:  No, we have not dropped the 'News' from 'News & Views'.  Instead, we count on you, our readers, to share articles you feel others may enjoy reading.  

Want to share an article? : Be sure to add a link and a few words saying why you feel the article would be of interest to others.   Like you, we editors receive many emails and can miss ones intended for publication. Instead, send or copy your message to the address of our editorial team, rather than to individual editors. 

Miss those 'daily news' posts?: If you want to follow recent news stories relevant to UNICEF or the UN, just click on on these news feeds, which you will see near the bottom of the right-hand sidebar on our webpage (i.e. below the comments).  These links have been organized so that articles appear in date order beginning with the most recent articles first.

UNICEF on Google News,
UNICEF on YouTube,
UNICEF News and Press (i.e. the press page of, 

2. Full text posts: Out of concern for possible copyright violations, we have stopped reprinting the full text of articles.  The exception to this rule is for publications by the UN or UN agencies.  Instead, we will post only the title of the article, the publication where the article first appeared, comments made by the person sharing the article, a link, and in some cases, an AI generated summary of the article.

3. Experiments with AI bots : I mentioned above that we often add an AI summary of long articles. Since we no longer are posting the full text of articles, we hope that these summaries may help you to see the main points of an article before clicking the link.  Another experiment I hope to launch soon will be an AI generated weekly summary of relevant articles. As we all know, AI bots not only make mistakes, they sometimes make big ones.  We ask your help in spotting errors and letting us know.  

Let us know what you think, including any ideas you may have on how we could improve the 'News' portion of 'News & Views' 
