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Guidelines for Reader Contributions - Types of Articles We Want to Publish and Types We Don't

We, the editors know a little about which type of articles are being read most frequently. Here are some points to remember. 

Want to contribute an article, opinion, or share a piece of news? Here's what we like to publish:

Perhaps you want to:

· share news about members of our network

· portray your current social or artistic engagements

· talk about an initiative related to children in your country, to illustrate what can be done locally

· express your views or ideas on aspects of development, children’s welfare and rights, women’s rights and gender equality, the environment, or UNICEF and the UN

· write a story about a funny, surprising, touching, or otherwise unique personal experience from your time with UNICEF or in retirement, or how you managed a challenge

· comment on current or past work of UNICEF, or UNICEF policy and programmes

· ask questions or share insights related to the life of a UNICEF retiree, such as those related to pension, health or social engagement.

We will generally NOT publish the following types of articles:

· political or military disputes between countries

· political commentary or debates internal to a country unless they are directly relevant to children, retirees, UNICEF or the UN

· articles about general topics not relevant to XUNICEF, UNICEF, the UN, children, pension, or retirement

· Disparaging comments about specific colleagues, retirees or present UNICEF staff members.

Copies or links to articles published elsewhere in news or other media

If you wish to share a news item or article found on the internet, you should provide one or more sentences on why you think the article is important and should be read by our community members.
Some members share with us an email conversation that they had with others. If you do so, please highlight the part that you would like to see published.

Please comment on articles

Please remember to leave your comments under any article we publish. Your comments help the author, others, us.

What you want to see more of / What you can do without

XUNICEF News and Views depends on the contributions of the members of the XUNICEF community.

Write to the editors at and tell us what type of articles you wish to see more of, and what type of article you can do without.
