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Mary Racelis: Zoom 2 Meeting Sunday 19 July 9:30 to 11:30 EDT (NY time)

Dear XUNICEF friends,

It's been some time since I've written you largely because there was little to report in relation to the pending MOU between XUNICEF and UNICEF/NY.

However, new developments have brightened our lives starting with XUNICEF's zoom meeting with Executive Director H Fore on 6 April resulting in her issuing a letter on 24 June to Representatives and Regional Directors calling their attention to retirees who on a voluntary basis have offered to help UNICEF face the challenges of COVID-19 and related issues. For more details, these developments have been well documented in the last few issues of News and Views.

Given progress along those lines, the core group which was negotiating the MOU in New York has temporarily suspended its actions. Instead it is counting on developments in the field with XUNICEF that will enable NYHQ to realize the benefits of collaborating with our Network members.

Meanwhile, in a separate process launched by Baquer Namazi in Tehran, some XUNICEF colleagues organized a meeting (Zoom 1) on May 3, 2020 to review global/local issues to promote "A Child Friendly New World Order." The aim was to focus on do-able activities that XUNICEF network members might undertake.

The report of the ZOOM 1 meeting appears in the June issue of News and Notes but is also attached here for your reading convenience. After reviewing the global situation for children, the participants suggest ways in which XUNICEF can define priority programmes and projects as a network and/or identify particular interests around which members might collaborate in self-managed groups.

To review the visions and suggestions for next steps, Baguer and I are convening a ZOOM 2 meeting for the entire network on Sunday, July 19 at 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. NY/Canada time. To avoid disruptive Zoom bombers, Niloufar Pourzand will be initiating the meeting from Canada and will soon send you an invitation first to Register. She will send a second invitation only to those who have registered. If you plan to join, the deadline for registration will be 12:00 noon, Saturday, July 18 NY EST. The agenda and approximate time allocated for each item appear below. Clearly there will be some slippage so we will have to adjust as we go. Since we expect many participants, please begin joining the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

THE AGENDA (provisional)

1. Niloufar Pourzand will begin with a welcome and instructions on technical meeting management rules: 9:30 - 9:35 a.m.

Inform the participants how many XUNICEFers are online;

Once the meeting begins, participants should mute their speakers and videos for improved transmission.
Participants who have comments or questions can signal that either by clicking on the icon that representing a hand raised or by typing a message into the chat box. Janet Nelson and Misrak Elias will monitor requests and messages coming in.

2. Mary Racelis serving as meeting facilitator will welcome the participants and summarize the agenda: 9:35 - 9:40 a.m.
3. The meeting

Highlights of ZOOM 1 Meeting Report: Baquer Namazi and Marta Mauras: 9:40 - 9:55 a.m.
Review of ED Fore's letter to the Representatives and Regional Directors: Tom McDermott: 9:55 - 10:00 a.m.
Network Discussion - via spoken intervention or written chat: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Clarifying UNICEF’s COVID-19 and other programme areas for Retiree involvement; sharpening visions, objectives, priority themes; actions (20 minutes)
Responding to ED Fore's message on retiree assistance to UNICEF Reps, Regional Directors and office heads (20 minutes)
Identifying and organizing voluntary interest groups pursuing doable activities with deliverables (20 minutes)
Summary of the discussion Sree Gururaja: 11:00 - 11:10 a.m.
Ways forward Baquer Namazi, Marta Mauras, Richard Jolly: 11:10 - 11:25 a.m.
Closing Remarks Mary Racelis: 11:25 - 11:30 a.m.

We look forward to being with you 19 July at 9:30 - 11:30 pm
