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Weekly Update May 24 to May 31 2020


News and Views

Weekly Update

24 to 31 May 2020


If you prefer just to browse

But we suggest that you take a minute

to read the following

From your volunteer editors

Photo of the Week

Gianni Murzi takes us to a bakery in the Balat district of Istanbul.  Anyone want to try a donut?


Steve Umemoto initiates a great discussion on how we retirees might lobby against the decision of President Trump to withdraw the US from WHO.

We have an update on the survey results and news about national focal points.

David Bull writes to the XUNICEF network in the UK on cooperation with the UK National Committed on a lobbying campaign on behalf of ‘Children under Lockdown’

Music and Lighter Stuff

Doreen Lobo shares one song sung together in 50 countries

Horst Cerni offers us appropriate technology and teaches us how to drink beer with a mask on

Malaysia hosted the One Love Concert this week for UNICEF

Doreen tells us that medical professions seldom agree on anything

Two cartoonists try to figure out WHO dunnit it.

Fouad Kronfol introduces us to his Parisian driving instructor

Captain Haddock looks for essential supplies

School kids learnt the les gestes barrières pour l’école


UNICEF and WHO say the world is failing to stop harmful marketing of breast-milk substitutes

UNICEF and UNFPA soulignent l'importance de la santé menstruelle en période de pandémie

Qudria and Joakim share their home diaries of life during the time of covid

UNICEF has issued a Technical Note on the impact of Covid-19 on low-income families.

Au Sahel central, 2,3 millions d'enfants auront besoin de protection cette année

The Security Council plans a briefing on Children in Armed Conflict in June. ED Fore is among those expected to brief the Council.

L’UNICEF au Maroc lance “Les Rendez-vous de l’UNICEF”

The Eastern Caribbean Area Office has launched an online mental health service in 5 languages.

U-Reporters are getting busy with articles on Covid-19


The Secretary-General warns that devastation lies ahead if the world does not act now.

The WHO Foundation was established this week to aid in building support and funding.


A top designer in Sénégal offers us her masks and her thoughts, “J’ai l’impression qu’on a baissé les bras…”

Fouad Kronfol shares a superb visual from the New York Times marking the over 100,000 deaths in the US from Covid-19.

Niloufar Pourzand offers us another visualization of Covid-19’s progression of deaths

BBC asks, is “Coronavirus in Africa: Contained or Unrecorded?”

Hoping for a vaccine? Anti-vaxxers in the US are already at work convincing people not to take a vaccine if and when one becomes available.

Two members of the UN military mission in Mali have died from Covid, “Deux morts dans les rangs de la MINUSMA

More children are falling sick and some are dying from a Kawasaki-like syndrome tied to Covid-19. The Washington Post says researchers suspect a ‘cytokine storm’.

Coping in the time of Coronavirus

Knowing what others are facing and how they are coping can help all of us. Are you willing to share your own experiences? If so, please contact Nuzhat. You can choose to share anonymously. You can also ask to talk to someone confidentially and on a one-to-one basis.


many other interesting articles (ok, at least we think they are interesting). 

Don't forget to give us your news, favorite articles, cartoons, music, rants and raves. Just write to us anytime at Thanks
